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Bradford Flower Fund Homes News



Long term absence from the property - if you are going to be away from your property for 30 days then please don’t forget to advise the office.

Tenant Representative Meetings

Please contact your representative if you would like any improvements to your site discussed at the next meeting in July. The tenant meetings prove very productive and we complete several jobs at each site as a result of these meetings/requests.

Kings Drive, Wrose

Plans are ongoing to build a new 26-unit site at Kings Drive in Wrose. Further information will be provided as this develops.

Baildon War Memorial Bungalow

The council have now agreed to donate the Baildon War Memorial and we are hopeful the legalities and charity commission will allow this donation to commence imminently.

Useful Information

Age Concern - Have a range of information guides/factsheets on their website, or alternatively call 01274 391190 or email info@ageukbd.org.uk

Related to Age concern is Silver Line a 24 hour helpline 0800 470 80 90, a free confidential telephone service for the over 55’s.

Access Bus - This service is for everyone and it’s FREE!!!! The Access bus will stop at the majority of our sites, please use this telephone number to register and book on - 0113 3481901.

Safe and sound - we offer this service to you free of charge, if you would like the service implemented in your home, please contact the office.

And Lastly

We never thought we’d see a pig on the loose at Flower Bank! High winds forced a fence down and the neighbours’ pig escaped!



With Kind Regards,

The Estate Management Team





A very warm welcome to our Summer 2024 edition of the Newsletter.

What’s been happening around the sites

Flower Mount Storeroom - the roof was stripped back down to the timbers, new felt was installed and the existing slates were re-laid.

Michael completed the Garth & Hill Gas Inspections in December, and both Keighley sites were completed in April.

All tree works have now been completed around the sites following the recommendations from our tree surgeon. Tree inspections for this year are presently underway.

Flower Garth - Cladding works have been completed in porch areas to both ceilings and concrete footings.

Health and Safety Assessments and Fire Risk Assessments will be completed on all sites this summer.

Path Upgrades - We will continue to upgrade paths around the sites over the autumn.

Flower Croft- A new ridge system has been introduced to all roofs.

Flower Court pumping station - major repair works are due to take place.

Flower Garth - The Beech tree in the car park was reduced by 50% and new markings for parking spaces installed.

Flower Mount Main House - the bespoke fire doors have arrived and fitting is now underway.

Keighley Croft - All the doors have been replaced to a fire door. These will be painted over the coming weeks.

Flower Court Benches- The 2 benches will be given a sand and paint.

Annual Inspections have been carried out on all Fire Extinguishers and stairlifts.

Flower Hill - A new threshold has been added to the back door of the Main House.

Flower Bank - A new fence was re-built behind two properties.

DAC Cleaners have retired after 38 years of cleaning our landlord areas. We have found a temporary replacement and normal service will resume.

Our window cleaners HCS have also recently retired. We would like to give a warm welcome to I-Clean who have taken over the contract and have done the most recent clean at Mount, Hill, Garth & Court at the end of June.

Thank you to all tenants for your understanding with the recent rental increases in April. The board of trustees always look to keep these increases to a minimum.

Landlord Areas

Due to Health and Safety Regulations, we will no longer allow tenants to store belongings in the Landlord areas, this includes garages, cellars and attics.

The Flower Garth garage has recently been reviewed and we ask that no more items are added to this area. All other sites will be reviewed over the course of the summer and we will write to all tenants that this effects in due course.

Property Inspections

Property Inspections are carried out every 2 years, and this year we completed these for Flower Hill, Milner Court and both Keighley sites. This helps us understand where to prioritise upgrades across our properties.

We often receive requests direct from tenants for property upgrades and all these requests are noted and reviewed each quarter year. However, the Flower Fund will always prioritise the works we feel are required based on our own inspections.

Call outs (Michael / Contractors)

From Dec 2023 to June 2024, we have had 198 priority call outs and 151 maintenance call outs.

The maintenance team have achieved a service level of 98%.


Contact Details - If you have changed your mobile or landline numbers recently then don’t forget to let the office know.

Emergency Contact Details - When your tenancy agreement was signed, you will have completed an emergency contact form, if these have changed please let us know by calling the office.

Pest Control - Household pests can be a nuisance whatever they are, however, please always try and eradicate before ringing the office.

Feeding the birds - Please don’t leave left over food out for the birds, as this will attract unwelcomed visitors to the garden.

Parking - A reminder that tenants and families do not have their own designated parking spots.  Please always try and be considerate when parking.

Unfortunately, the wet summer has resulted in the lawns, bushes & weeds growing faster than usual. Please be patient, our garden maintenance team are working extra hard to get on top of things.

We also understand that some tenants have specific requests and the gardeners will accommodate these where possible. However, please understand they have specific instructions from the Flower Fund which allows them the time to get around all the sites. Therefore, any requests for additional works should be made through the office. Thank you for your understanding

Garden Areas - Please note all external areas including lawns, bushes, paths and flower beds are the property of the Flower Fund. Please refrain from altering, digging or changing these areas without permission from the Flower Fund.


  |Registered Charity No. 227170 - Company Registered in England No. 601785

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